Moonlight Abolitionists returned to Mount Auburn Cemetery in October
at the Massachusetts Senate Chamber (photo by Sam Johnson)
As I mentioned, my productions were WAY down. I'm not sure how long it will take to recover back to pre-pandemic levels. Theatres are producing fewer new plays, and I've been submitting less. My production and audience numbers are only slightly above what they were in 2020 and a big dip from last year.
Number of Productions/Readings: 18 (16 productions, 2 readings).
These were of 12 different plays, including 1 full-length script. In 9 US states and 2 countries. Two productions were audio versions of plays on radio and streaming.
Number of Performances: 33. This includes published plays.
Previous Years' productions and performances:
2017: 48 total. 227 performances.
Estimated Audience for 2022: 1,760 total.
Big drop in audience numbers this year, though slightly above 2020. I'm hopeful that next year will be better, though it might be a long time until I'm back up to more than 10,000 per year.
Previous years' audiences:
(For published plays I estimate low--40 people/performance. I don't track plays used by students in competition, so the actual number is higher. )
My books have all been out for a while now, so sales are always tiny.
Books sold: 22
Previous Years' book sales:
2018: 77
2017: 40+
2016: 60+
2015: 350+
2014: 78
Most of my marketing time is spent on securing new Plays in Place projects, but I did try to send more scripts out into the world this year. The Playwright Submission Binge remains an important support that helps make sure I take some time to market my non-PiP work.
Total: 105 (50% more than last year)
queries for plays: 9
play scripts submitted: 96
Writing output:
- Wrote A Quantum Carol (new 10-minute play)
- Wrote A Light Under the Dome (new full-length site-specific play)
- LOTS of research on new historical projects.
Plays watched: 27 (saw 29 in 2021)
Movies/TV series watched: 48 (47 in 2021)
Plays read: 12 (14 in 2021)
Books read: 29 (18 in 2021)
Patrick's writing $$ for 2022
Gross Income: $22,025
published plays performance royalties: $400
play production royalties: $1,195
film projects: $0
play commissions: $8,850
teaching/coaching/consulting: $3,750
my books: $55
Prizes/fellowships: $0
Producer work for Plays in Place: $7,775
misc. (essays, panels, editing, other): $0
Expenses: about $7,095 (includes mileage expenses)
Net Income: $14,930 (before taxes)
Past years:
Here is some actual good news--I got paid about as much as pre-pandemic, even though productions and audiences are low. This is because I have significant projects in development with Plays in Place, where I'm writing and researching on commissions, and I'm producing a handful of projects. Almost all the teaching/coaching/consulting money is from consulting for museums via The Experience Alchemists, a collaborative of some amazing artists and thinkers.
My prospects for 2023 look solid--I'll be working on at least three commissions and have production duties on at least that many projects, but perhaps double that.
My time stats for 2022:
Total working time: 1,700 hours total transit time: 167 hours
Time spent on writing stuff: 1,340 hours
- actual writing and research: 409 hours
- reading for work (not project research): 18 hours
- play attendance: 44 hours
- rehearsals/meetings/consulting/teaching: 130 hours
- marketing and admin: 127 hours
- Seven Devils New Play Foundry Board Work: 27 hours
- Plays in Place: 585 hours
- Transit time for writing projects: 167 hours
2017: 2,018 total work hours. 1,338 writing hours (371 writing/23 reading/468 rehearsing/347 marketing/129 New Play Alliance and Dramatists Guild)+680 hours on house renovations
2016: 2,096 total work hours. 1,223 writing hours (416 writing/28 reading/438 rehearsing/274 marketing-admin/67 New Play Alliance)+873 on house renovations.
2015: 1,596 total work hours. 1,035 writing hours (262 writing/52 reading/295 rehearsing/303 marketing-admin/123 New Play Alliance) + 561 on moving and house renovations
2014: 1,556 total work hours. 1,426 writing hours (452 writing/109 reading/342 rehearsing/396 marketing/127 New Play Alliance) + 130 hours farming.
2013: 1,898 total work hours. 996 writing hours (394 writing/308 rehearsing/294 marketing) + 902 hours farming
2012: 1,630 total work hours. 896 writing hours. (386 writing/278 rehearsing and meeting/231 marketing) + 734 hours farming
2011: 818 writing/work hours. My kids were a lot younger back then.
Thanks for reading. I hope you all have a productive and prosperous 2022 Happy New Year!