Thursday, July 12, 2007

Do Not Wait & thoughts on Tribalism

Scott Walter has some very interesting thoughts on his site about tribalism (in the theatrical sense). Definitely check it out.

Also, the quote he lists from Ben Cameron's farewell speech to TCG (who was quoting from Anne Bogart's book, A Director Prepares) is well worth reading. In fact, I'll post it below:

* Do not assume that you have to have some prescribed conditions to do your best work.
* Do not wait.
* Do not wait for enough time or money to accomplish what you think you have in mind.
* Work with what you have right now.
* Work with the people around you right now.
* Work with the architecture you see around you right now.
* Do not wait for what you assume is the appropriate, stress-free environment in which to generate expression.
* Do not wait for maturity or insight or wisdom.
* Do not wait till you are sure that you know what you are doing.
* Do not wait until you have enough technique.
* What you do now, what you make of your present circumstances will determine the quality and scope of your future endeavors.

Makes sense to me. I've tried to act this way in the theatrical and artistic life. It's good to be reminded, though. I think it applies to any sort of endeavor, any sort of art. I meet plenty of writers who say they're waiting for the right moment, to have enough time, to have a cleaner desk, more inspiration. Then they'll write their books, their plays, their essays. Bogart has it right. Don't wait.


Art said...

I was thinking the same thing.

The film critic Roger Ebert always says that many people don't understand that the muse comes DURING the process of creation, not before it. The quickest way to start the muse going is to pick up the pen, or pick up the keyboard.

Also, I think it was William Goldman who said: "The easiest thing to do in the world is not write."

Malachy Walsh said...

Do not wait.

Anne at her best.

Patrick Gabridge said...

Ebert is on the money there. So much of it is training your mind to be creative. It's all about building good habits for yourself. So if you write from 5-7am every morning, your mind and body get used to it. That's part of the routine, so when you sit down at the desk, you're ready to go. (Most of the time, anyway.)