Writing by the Numbers 2024
Number of Productions/Readings: 20 (20 full productions, 0 readings).
These were of 18 different plays, including 2 full-length scripts, in 10 US states and 3 countries (US, Canada, plus my first show in Argentina!).
Number of Performances: 91. This includes published plays.
Previous Years' productions and performances:
2017: 48 total. 227 performances.
Estimated Audience for 2023: 4,529 total.
These numbers are way down from last year. But I feel good about the quality of experience my audience is receiving, especially from our Plays in Place shows. That being said, I'd sure like to get back to more than 10,000 a year, but I can't see that happening for a while.
Previous years' audiences:
(For published plays I estimate low--50 people/performance. I don't track plays used by students in competition, so the actual number is higher. )
My novels have all been out for a while now, so sales are tiny.
Books sold: 10
Previous Years' book sales: 8
2022: 22
2021: 15
2020: 76
2019: 35
2018: 77
2017: 40+
2016: 60+
2015: 350+
2014: 78
Almost all of my marketing time is spent securing new Plays in Place projects, which leaves little time for other submissions. The Playwright Submission Binge remains a useful support to make sure I take some time to market my non-PiP work, but even then my numbers are WAY down. If I can find the time, I want to send more copies of published work to companies in 2025.
Total: 12 (down from 45 last year)
queries for plays: 0
play scripts submitted: 12
Carpentry projects provide a good break from writing and theater work. I'm working hard on converting the loft of our barn into a rehearsal space.
Writing output:
- Wrote the first draft of For Love and Honor, a new site-specific one-act, scheduled for production in 2026.
- Started the first draft of a new historical play on a commission. Schedule for production in 2025
- LOTS of research on new historical projects.
Plays watched: 31 (saw 26 in 2023)
Movies/TV series watched: 37 (51in 2023)
Plays read: 10 (10 in 2023)
Books read: 25 (25 in 2023)
Patrick's writing $$ for 2024
Gross Income: $27,278
published plays performance royalties: $642
non Plays in Place play production royalties: $271
film projects: $0
play commissions & Plays in Place playwright pay: $8,360
teaching/coaching/consulting: $785
my books: $20
Prizes/fellowships: $0
Producer work for Plays in Place: $17,200
misc. (essays, panels, editing, other): $0
Expenses: about $3,600
Net Income: $23,678 (before taxes)
Past years:
My income rose a fair bit this year, with almost all of it coming from Plays in Place work. Plus, my writing expenses now come out of the Plays in Place budget, so my net income is MUCH higher. I don't get much of a "salary" just for being Producing Artistic Director, but I do get paid for my work as a producer on various projects, and I get paid for researching, writing, revising, and rehearsing the plays we create. There are couple big question marks about 2025, but if things go well, my income should increase again.

My time stats for 2024:
Total working time: 1,918 hours total transit time: 202 hours
Time spent on writing stuff: 1,694 hours
- actual writing and research: 422 hours
- reading for work (not project research): 27 hours
- play attendance: 58 hours
- rehearsals/meetings/consulting/teaching: 87 hours
- marketing and admin: 43 hours
- Seven Devils New Play Foundry Board Work: 12 hours
- Plays in Place: 1,045 hours
- Time spent on Home Renovations/Projects : 224 hours
2017: 2,018 total work hours. 1,338 writing hours (371 writing/23 reading/468 rehearsing/347 marketing/129 New Play Alliance and Dramatists Guild)+680 hours on house renovations
2016: 2,096 total work hours. 1,223 writing hours (416 writing/28 reading/438 rehearsing/274 marketing-admin/67 New Play Alliance)+873 on house renovations.
2015: 1,596 total work hours. 1,035 writing hours (262 writing/52 reading/295 rehearsing/303 marketing-admin/123 New Play Alliance) + 561 on moving and house renovations
2014: 1,556 total work hours. 1,426 writing hours (452 writing/109 reading/342 rehearsing/396 marketing/127 New Play Alliance) + 130 hours farming.
2013: 1,898 total work hours. 996 writing hours (394 writing/308 rehearsing/294 marketing) + 902 hours farming
2012: 1,630 total work hours. 896 writing hours. (386 writing/278 rehearsing and meeting/231 marketing) + 734 hours farming
2011: 818 writing/work hours. My kids were a lot younger back then.
That's it. I hope these stats are useful or interesting to you.
Thanks for reading. I hope you all have a Happy New Year!
I'm so incredibly proud of and happy for you with this niche you developed for yourself! And to make a decent income at it too? So impressed. Happy new year!
Thanks so much!
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